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US Army seeks to raise OMFV from the grave

10th February 2020 - 15:30 GMT | by Jason Sherman in Washington DC


Three weeks after summarily terminating the Optionally Manned Fighting Vehicle (OMFV) prototype project that drew only one bid, the US Army has unveiled a new Bradley fleet replacement plan.

The army issued an OMFV market survey on 7 February to restart the project, effectively asking industry what the service did wrong during the 2018-19 solicitation process.

‘It's essentially: “We're sorry. I guess it was our fault. Tell us what we did wrong and we won't do it again. Please bid,”’ Jim Tinsley, an analyst at consulting firm Avascent, remarked to Shephard.

The survey also previews a new OMFV competition

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Jason Sherman


Jason Sherman

Jason Sherman is a US-based journalist. Since 1994, he has covered the Pentagon, defence industry, …

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